Monday, March 30, 2009

Children and Media

What are your views on children and media: specifically television, Internet and video games? When should it be allowed? How much should be allowed? How can it be monitored?

I think media around children is fine in moderation as long as it is educational and not continuous throughout the day. Internet needs to be monitored and does the video game usage. I think it should be allowed when the child can make some sort of educated decisions without total help of an adult. Basically, when they understand right from wrong and that there are consequences. I don't think more than 1 hour a day should be allowed because children need to be out running around and playing not in front of technology. Different systems have child monitoring systems and adult guard support and those are good way to start.


  1. I like how you mentioned moderation. Teaching kids how to self-regulate equips them with the life skills they will need as adults. If they can learn this important concept as a child as it relates to media and technology and entertainment, then I think it makes life easier for them as adults.

  2. I love the one hour a day rule. That's one that I'm trying to institute in my home, but I'm in class all day Saturday and my husband isn't fully understanding of that desire to limit the weekend use of the boob tube. ;)

  3. Moderation is a great idea for children getting in the habit of not relying on television and other passive activities that take away from their getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. I also think it is important to watch the shows that your children watch so that you can answer any questions they may have and so that you can explain some things that are difficult for young children to understand.

  4. I think you made some good points. Like everything in life, I think TV, Internet and video games are ok for children in moderation. But, as you stated, it is also important that children get time outside. Luckily we are blessed with a child that loves being outside and not in front of the TV so it is easy for us to maintain that balance.
