Monday, March 9, 2009

Best and Worst Teacher

Describe your best and worst teacher (no names please). What are some characteristics that describe your "best" teacher and what are some characteristics that describe your "worst" teacher? What memories do you have of school in general? Are your memories of content (academics) or experience (field trips, activities, etc.)?

My best teacher that I've ever had was very kind, patient, and understood how to communicate properly without being too harsh. My worst teacher was impatient, did not understand how to communicate without sounding mad, and did not care what anyone thought. The memories I have of high school was that I do not ever want to go back there because the teachers were awful assigning too much work and not explaining things well. I have enjoyed college though the teachers will help if I need it and the work is challenging but not too hard where I don't understand anything. My memories are of both academics and of activities. I was involved in a lot sports so I became close with the other athletes. I do remember my Spanish teacher in high school his class was so hard that when I was a freshman there were Seniors in my class taking Spanish 1.


  1. I have some very similar high school memories. You couldn't pay me to go back to certain parts of it. It was excrutiating! I have a feeling that's a common reaction though. At least we're not alone!

  2. I find it funny that teachers in high school tell you they are going to be tough on you to get you ready for college and working. However, it turns out teachers in college are a lot more understanding and want you to succeed more then high school teachers.

  3. I had a similar situation in high school where the teachers were all about giving homework without much foundation for how to get started. It was very frustrating especially when I needed help. They expected students to go to other sources for help, not them. What kind of teachers are those?
