Monday, February 2, 2009

Top 10 Stressers

The top 10 stressors I can see have to be:

1. Finanical difficulties- This meaning that because of the economy holding a steady job may very hard to hold together especially for a family

2. Relationship with spouse or significant other-I feel that if the relationship is taking too much of your time or you are fighting all of the time this is going to cause a lot of damage

3. Single parent- Being a single parent would be extremely stressful because not only is one person fulfilling both roles as the Mom and Dad they may have to deal with ex husbands or ex wives and custody issues

4. Gas Prices- The gas prices have went down but to some it may still be a struggle to get their family to work or school each day

5. High Cost of Insurance-Health insurance has went up this is nothing new but with all of the other stresses of living worrying about your child is the last thing on your mind

6. Child care- Finding reliable, honest, and decent priced child care is hard to do these days

7. Job Stability- Layoffs may cause you and your family to homeless or have to move in with other family members

8. Family- Family that may have lost their job may be moving in with yours that would be hard to adjust to

9. New Baby- A family having a new baby especially during this economic crisis could be scary because of worrying about if your family will be alright and taken care of

10. Natural Disasters- A natural disaster may come in and swoop down taking your ''nest egg'' away and then where will you be? If your home is taken away and your family lives in the same area chances are they will experience the same dilemma.


  1. Jenna - I like how your stressors can all be tied to one another in a way... I think that looking at the lists I've seen they're all interconnected in so many ways.

  2. I agree with Sara. You did a great job in showing how the subjects on your list connect to the child's life.

  3. I completely agree with the stress of the economic times as well as the possibility of layoffs at work. Kids are directly affected if their parents are unemployed.
